What can I do to defeat the shade?

Your lawn needs light in order to thrive and survive.

Now that the daylight is at premium, we are going to share some of our tips and tricks to beating the shade .

Shade can be caused by a number of factors, your house, a garden shed, fences and trees. A shaded area in a lawn is highly likely to struggle to establish and will be susceptible to lawn diseases.

So, what can you do to remove shade from your grass? Well, you cannot remove ALL of the shade, however, you can take some small precautions to defeat the shaded areas from ruining your lawn.

  • In the shaded areas, you should be careful with watering. Do not water as much as you would the lighted parts of the lawn, as you will be creating a flooding problem.

  • As leaves fall in Autumn, make sure to rake the fallen leaves off shaded areas (and the whole lawn) to maximise the light you have.

  • When mowing the lawn, make sure to remove all lawn clippings to ensure you are not suffocating the lawn.

  • Introduce the correct grass type for your lawn - Partial shade, Shade and ultra shade varieties are available and could solve long standing problems

    Is some of your lawn struggling with shade? Please fill out the contact form below and we can happily help!


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